Vehicular noise pollution and its environmental impact in Berhampur, India

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Deaprtment of Mechanical Eng., VSSUT, Burla, India

2 Deaprtment of Civil Eng., PMEC, Berhampur, India


Increased urbanization, industrialization, transportation, and infrastructural development in cities have resulted in an increase in noise level at an alarming rate. Traffic noise is one of the major sources of environmental noise pollution in urban areas. It reduces the wellbeing elements for the urban population. Exposure to excessive noise reduces the overall psychological and physiological wellbeing. The psychological physiological impacts are sleep disturbance, annoyance, irritation, headache, loss of concentration, sleeplessness, low work performance, hearing disability, impaired cognitive ability, hypertension, and much more. In this experimental study, the assessments and analysis of traffic noise in Berhampur, India, have been done. Its impact on socio-health has been studied. The key locations covering the entire city were chosen for traffic noise assessment. Also, the wellness and health of the affected people have been studied and statistical validation has been made. The study reveals that traffic noise levels and its effects are at an alarming state in the city.


Main Subjects

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